High-Yield Savings Account

High-Yield Savings Account Rates
Discover the benefits of saving (and earning) with Lafayette Federal.
Balance |
Min. to Open |
Min. to Earn APY1 |
Dividend |
APY1 |
Savings Account dividends will be compounded and credited monthly on the last day of each calendar month. For example, dividends for January will be credited on January 31, giving you a more regular return on your deposits. Dividend Rates and APYs are variable and are subject to change. Certain fees and charges may apply to your share account as disclosed in the current Schedule of Fees. Assessed fees may reduce earnings. 1APY=Annual Percentage Yield. The rates and terms shown are effective as of February 1, 2025. |
Balance up to $19,999 |
Min. to Open $50 |
Min. to Earn APY1 $50 |
Dividend 3.30% |
APY1 3.35% |
Balance $20,000 or more |
Min. to Open $20,000 |
Min. to Earn APY1 $20,000 |
Dividend 3.60% |
APY1 3.66% |
Balance |
Min. to Open |
Dividend |
APY1 |
Savings Account dividends will be compounded and credited monthly on the last day of each calendar month. For example, dividends for January will be credited on January 31, giving you a more regular return on your deposits. Dividend Rates and APYs are variable and are subject to change. Certain fees and charges may apply to your share account as disclosed in the current Schedule of Fees. Assessed fees may reduce earnings. 1APY=Annual Percentage Yield. 2The Premier Savings Account is a tiered-rate account with different rates applied to the different tiers. Member must maintain at least $50,000 in the account to earn dividends on this account. The rates and terms shown are effective as of February 1, 2025. |
Balance 1st $50,000 |
Min. to Open $50,000 |
Dividend 3.60% |
APY1 3.66% |
Balance 2nd $50,000 |
Min. to Open – |
Dividend 3.70% |
APY1 3.76% |
Balance next $150,000 |
Min. to Open – |
Dividend 3.80% |
APY1 3.87% |
Balance next $250,000.00 – $99,999,999.99 |
Min. to Open – |
Dividend 4.00% |
APY1 4.07% |

Refer friends and family to earn up to $125!4
Do you love better rates, fewer fees and all-around great service? We’ve got $25 for each friend and family member that will too!
Saving for your tomorrow.
We believe there’s more to saving money than where you choose to deposit your funds. It’s about getting results — for your finances, your well-being, and your future.
Higher dividends
Grow your savings with one of the highest dividend rates we have to offer. With as little as $50, you can start earning dividends on the cash you deposit every quarter.
Protected savings
No matter what happens, your deposits are always safe, secure, and insured up to $250,000 by the NCUA.
Investment options
Get the most out of your dollars with retirement and education savings. Our IRA and Coverdell Education accounts are designed to help you look towards a brighter future.
We’ve got some great options for you.
Designed to help you save with confidence.

Preferred Savings
Open your account with as little as $50 and make additional deposits anytime. Your funds earn more than they would in a share savings account. Plus, you get rewarded with higher dividends when your balance is $20,000 or more.

Premier Savings
Your money has the highest potential for growth with our Premier Savings. With one of our highest rates and a minimum deposit of $50,000, your earnings grow as you deposit more.

Our members say the nicest things.
The entire LFCU staff are personable, professional, and exceed outstanding customer service. For over twenty years, I have been a member and accustom to the professional teams’ product and financial services knowledge and expertise. I appreciate the teams’ attention to detail, great communication skills, and pleasant disposition. I am impressed with the level of services I receive regarding savings account, mortgage re-financing, investments in share certificates, to name a few. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, I rate LFCU 10. Thank you for your outstanding service.
Edith B.
⁴Offer subject to change without notice. Cannot be combined with any other new member offers. Cash rebate to be deposited to Lafayette Federal Share Savings account within 14 days of account opening. Must be eligible for membership. $50 minimum balance required to open and earn 0.10% APY (APY = Annual Percentage Yield) on Lafayette Federal share savings account balances. $5 minimum balance required to open and earn 2.04% APY on LFCU checking account balances up to $25,000 and 0.025% APY on checking balances over $25,000.
Please visit for LFCU.ORG/2for22 full checking account requirements.Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.