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Card Cracking Scams: How to recognize and avoid them.

Card cracking is a type of scam that typically targets individuals, especially young adults and college students who might be open to the prospect of making some “easy money,” or empathetic older adults who fall prey to a “sad story” from someone claiming to be in need or danger. Card cracking is a modern version…

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High-Yield Checking Accounts: A surprising financial opportunity.

Last week we explained the benefits of having a high-yield savings account, but what about your checking account: have you heard of a high-yield checking account? Thanks to today’s competitive high interest rate environment, they are becoming increasingly available as financial institutions look  to bolster the amount funds they have on deposit. And they are…

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High-Yield Savings Accounts: What is all the hype about?

Want to make some money? Excited to watch your savings grow? Today’s high interest rates create opportunities for savers to earn decently. High-Rate Savings Accounts Yield Great Returns High-yield savings accounts are now offering interest rates that haven’t been seen since the late 1980s and early 1990s. What is a high-yield savings account? It’s an…

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Unlock a Better Financial Future: Five tips for boosting your credit score.

Your credit score plays a major role in unlocking many financial benefits, products, and services in today’s society. Securing a mortgage for your dream home, enjoying the many conveniences of credit cards, and even accessing the necessary funding for higher education, are all dependent on having a strong credit score. Your credit score also determines…

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