Jennifer Carranza">

Author: Jennifer Carranza

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Estate Planning: Ensuring your legacy and family’s future.

What do roughly two-thirds of Americans have in common with rich and famous people, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Aretha Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Kurt Cobain, Pablo Picasso, Stieg Larsson, Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, and Howard Hughes? They don’t have a will. Settling the estates of these people took years—some even took decades—and in the…

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CD & Share Certificate 101: A beginner’s guide.

A certificate of deposit (CD) and a share certificate are similar financial products that can safely and securely help you achieve your financial goals. Both offer guaranteed returns with minimal risk (and usually without fees). A certificate works like a savings account but there are crucial differences: Deposits are usually a single lump-sum. Deposits are…

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Navigating the Aftermath: How to pay off holiday debt.

If you’re feeling the hangover that comes from too much holiday spending, you’re not alone. Estimates say nearly one-third of US consumers spend more than they can comfortably afford during the holiday season, and many of those folks spend the next nine months paying off those debts, only to start the cycle all over again…

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Combining Finances as a Couple: Happily ever after?

Navigating the realm of shared finances in a relationship often gives rise to a sense of awkwardness and intricacy. Initially, there’s the discomfort of broaching the topic and contemplating whether merging finances is the right step. If that initial conversation sails smoothly, a more challenging discussion ensues on the intricate details of how to go…

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